CoinZoom offers world-class support with email.
To create a support ticket: go to
- Submit your request using the email address connected with your CoinZoom account.
- Provide as much detail as possible regarding your issue. The more info we have, the faster we can help you.
We respond to more than 90% of all tickets within 15 minutes during regular business hours.

Security Notice: CoinZoom Support will NEVER ask you to share your password or 2-factor authentication codes, or request that you install remote login software on your computer. If anyone claiming to be associated with CoinZoom Support requests this, immediately contact us.
Note: CoinZoom Support occasionally places outbound calls to our customers in order to follow-up on the support they've received. To verify a call, you may ask for the ticket number they are calling about. You can search the ticket number in your email account associated with CoinZoom. If you are contacted by someone that claims to be from CoinZoom Support and you doubt the authenticity, please report them by submitting a new ticket.
Phone support: In addition, you can report a lost or stolen card, hear your most recent CoinZoom card account activity, or freeze your CoinZoom card account any time by calling 1-888-355-1924 and press option 2, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can also leave a message with your email address, and we'll reply via email.