There could be many possibilities for your CoinZoom Visa card transactions to get declined. Below mentioned are some of the possible reasons. If you are trying to make a debit card deposit and are getting declined, please see this article instead.

Spend Wallet Configuration

You can use your CoinZoom Visa Card to withdraw any desired currency you own into your CoinZoom account. You will just need to configure your spend wallet configuration to withdraw the desired currency.

CoinZoom Visa Card transactions often get declined if your spend wallet is configured or set to a different currency than the currency you are trying to spend.

If you have a USD balance, and if you want to use another currency, you must configure your spending wallet to that currency.

For example, if you have a BTC balance and want to purchase BTC, you can configure your CoinZoom visa card's spend wallet currency to BTC and then make the purchase.

Understand the division of coins in the same wallet. Often you have multiple coins holding different amounts. You can only spend one coin at a time on the card. Suppose you had $50 in BTC and $50 in LTC. Although your account balance will show as $100, you can't make a purchase or withdrawal for $75. The Visa card can only spend one coin per transaction.

For detailed information on how to configure your spend wallet please refer to this link : Spend wallet configuration 

Funds on Hold

The Hold Period indicates the amount of time before funds can be withdrawn. You may still buy and sell on the exchange while the funds are on hold. You can check in your CoinZoom account if there are any funds on hold. Often customers fund their account and try to spend immediately. 

The Deposits on Hold card shows any current withdrawal restrictions. Look to see if there are any holds, when they expire (Held Until column) and the amount. If you are trying to spend more than the amount available (not on hold) the transaction will be rejected. 

For more information on how to check withdrawal restrictions please refer to this article : Check withdrawal restrictions

You can see when a hold expires in the Deposit History (Portfolio -> USD -> Deposit) in both the web and Pro apps.  

Debit card deposit holds are explained in this article : Hold times for Debit card


Fees must be considered when making any transactions. This is most common with ATM withdrawals since the fees are larger and you often want to pull the max amount possible.

Please refer to for all trading and transaction fees.

Pre-Authorized Charges

Visa Card declined transaction disputes are often the result of pre-authorized charges that you wasn't expecting.

 Pre-authorizations are done when the total amount of the purchase is not known in advance. For example, at the time of a hotel check-in, the room rate is known but the cost of extras are unknown until the customer checks out. The debit card incurs a pre-authorized charge based on the likely maximum amount. It is temporary and will be rejected after the purchased is finalized and settled, which can take up to two days. 

Sometimes the total amount of money on hold from pre-authorizations prevent the card from being used because the card has reached its limit. Since it is a debit card and not a credit card, you cannot exceed the amount available on it. In such cases you will need to either wait until some pre-authorizations expire or add more money to the card either through a deposit or by adding to the crypto currency the card uses.


Please note that deposits are restricted for 48 hours for any account that makes changes to the profile (address, phone, etc.) your KYC will need to be resubmitted and then the account will be restricted for 48 hours. Until this time frame is up, the user won’t be able to move funds around. Once the KYC restriction has been lifted the user can transact. 

You can also refer to this helpful article : How to check KYC status