There are many ways to deposit funds into your CoinZoom account. Each has their advantages. This chart compares what kinds of funds can be deposited with each method, any fees involved, how long they take to post to the account and the hold period before the funds can be withdrawn. 

Current CoinZoom fees and maximum deposit amounts can be found on this page under the Deposit & Withdrawal Fees tab.

The Time to Post column indicates how long it normally takes for the deposit to settle between CoinZoom and the financial institution. The Hold Period column indicates the amount of time before funds can be withdrawn. You may still buy and sell on the exchange while the funds are on hold. 


CurrencyFunding MethodFees 1Time to PostHold PeriodNon-US
USDWire TransferFreeup to 5 business days0 to 7 daysYes
USDDebit/credit card$1.992Immediately0-7 daysYes
Temporarily Unavailable
USDCoinZoom Cash5%4ImmediatelyUp to 30 mins.
USDDirect DepositFreeTemporarily Unavailable
CryptoExternal walletFreeImmediatelyNoneYes
USDGoogle Pay5$1.992
Temporarily Unavailable
USDApple Pay5$1.992
Temporarily Unavailable

Hold Period

The Hold Period is the time you must wait to withdraw funds you have recently deposited into your CoinZoom account. Until your pending funds clear from your bank, you cannot withdraw them from CoinZoom or transfer any digital assets out of your account that you purchased using pending funds. 

You can see when a hold expires in the Deposit History (Portfolio -> USD -> Deposit) on both the web and in the mobile app.  

All holds are put in place to allow sufficient time to dispute potentially fraudulent transactions. The window for debit card disputes is determined by the financial institutions' policies and CoinZoom cannot change them.

Debit Card Holds

Debit card deposit holds are explained in this article, Hold Times for Debit Card Deposits.

Note 1

Methods listed as "Free" mean that CoinZoom does not charge any fees, though your financial institution may charge them.

Note 2

The fee for debit/credit card deposits is $1.99 per transaction. Daily/weekly limits apply.

Note 3

ACH deposits take 3-4 business days to post to your account and are available on the day of deposit for trading, but can't be withdrawn for 7-21 days. The maximum transaction amount is $500 - $10,000/day, depending on your VIP card level.

Note 4

5% or $6, whichever is greater. 

Note 5

Limit of one deposit per hour.