You may sell digital collectibles and NFTs though the CoinZoom marketplace or transfer them to external wallets. If you have a limited account, you must upgrade to a full account before you may sell your digital collectibles. There is no charge to upgrade to a 

Note: For Ashfall collectibles, if you want to collect the Ashfall bonus (episode 6), you must have all episodes 1-5 together in either your CoinZoom or Hashpack wallet when the bonus edition is available. Having some in one wallet and some in the other will not count for purposes of claiming the bonus episode. 

Selling a Digital Collectible or NFT

Follow these steps to sell your item on the CoinZoom marketplace:

  1. Find the item you want to sell
  2. Choose the Sell button
    The Sell button allows you to list the item on the marketplace.
  3. Configure the price, currency (USD or crypto), how long you want to list the item, and confirm the agreements. 
    The selling screen lets you configure the details of the sale.
  4. Choose the green List for Sale button to display it on the marketplace. 

When the item is listed for sale, anybody on the CoinZoom exchange can purchase it. 

The item will stay in your wallet until it is sold. If you need to alter any details of the sale, go back into the item and choose the green buttons to edit, cancel or view it. 

Edit or cancel the sale of your item. 

Transferring a Digital Collectible or NFT

You may transfer the item off of the CoinZoom exchange into an external wallet, to store or to sell on a secondary market. When you transfer an item, it leaves the CoinZoom wallet and is processed on the blockchain to arrive at the destination. 

If you are transferring to HashPack wallet, you must perform preliminary steps to associate the item to your wallet

Warning: There is a risk of losing your digital collectible or NFT if you do not put in the correct wallet details. Always double-check the transfer details to make sure it is going to the correct wallet. Once a transfer has been started, there is no way to reverse it. 

Warning: The Ashfall collectibles can only be transferred to Hedera-compatible wallets. Attempting to transfer to a wallet on any other network (Polygon, Ethereum, etc.) will result in permanent loss of the item. 

Follow these instructions to transfer digital collectibles and NFTs to an external wallet: 

  1. View the item and choose Transfer to an External Wallet
    Transferring an item sends it off the CoinZoom marketplace.
  2. Enter the destination wallet address and check the boxes to indicate agreement.
  3. Choose your method of payment. The blockchain always charges GAS to process your collectible or NFT. Use your CoinZoom account to pay the processing fee. You may have to login again to your CoinZoom account. 
    Choose the button to pay from your CoinZoom account or use the QR code to pay from your CoinZoom Pro app.
  4. At the payment screen you can choose any method available in your account. If you have a full account, you can choose to pay from any crypto that you own or else purchase crypto to pay for it. If you have a limited account, you will only be able to pay with Google Pay or Apple Pay.
    Choose the method of payment.
  5. The confirmation page lets you know the transaction has been initiated and an approximate timeframe to complete.
    The transaction time varies and an estimate will let you know when to expect it to be complete.
  6. Return to your wallet to see the status of the NFT.
    Check the wallet to confirm the status.

Your NFT will stay on the CoinZoom exchange until it has been transferred by the blockchain.