You can access your account on the web or in the app. You'll need your username and password each time. You may need a 2-factor authentication code or a biometric after entering your password. 

Web App

Go to and click "Sign In" in the top bar and follow the instructions:

Click Sign In at the top right of the trade screen.

Enter your user name and password in the boxes on the screen and click Submit. You will also need your 2-factor authentication code from the authentication app on your phone.

If. you forgot your password, you can reset it from Forgot Password under the password box. 

Mobile App

On the mobile app, tap the Login button on the top right, enter your credentials and the 2-factor authentication code. If you have biometrics on your phone, you can usually skip the 2FA code.

Tap the Log In button at the top right of the mobile app screen.
Tap the fingerprint to use biometrics. 

When you return to the app, it will allow you to login with your password or biometric, if it is set up. Tap on the fingerprint to login using your biometric instead of using the 2FA code. 

Troubleshooting Tips

There may be multiple reasons for your login not to work, including that there is a typo in your email address. Follow these articles if you are having trouble logging in. 

  • Invalid credentials: If your email and password don't work, please see Forgot Password.
  • 2-Factor Authentication: If you are having trouble with two-factor authentication (2FA), see Two-Factor Authentication FAQs
  • Incomplete registration: You must complete registration on the mobile app. If you are having trouble with Registration see Finish Registration.
  • Application Pending: Usually accounts are approved within an hour. If your application has not been approved within one business day, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Rejected: If your account application has been rejected, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Can't Deposit funds: Your account must be completely registered and approved before you can deposit funds. See Deposit Funds.