You may retrieve your tax information from CoinZoom by following the steps in this article. CoinZoom cannot directly provide tax data to you, but we have made it easy for you to retrieve this information.
Your CoinZoom app integrates with CoinTracker to make calculating your gains and losses quickly and easily. Here are the steps to follow to retrieve your tax information.
You will need an account with CoinTracker to complete this.
Download the CoinZoom Tax Data
- Sign in to the CoinZoom desktop app (not the mobile app) at
- At the top of the page, click Settings -> Tax Center
- Export your tax data by clicking "Transactions" at the top of the page and then select "Tax Data".
- Select "Last Year" in the calendar drop-down menu.
- Select "Export to CoinTracker" on the Export button.

Import Tax Data to CoinTracker
- Login to CoinTracker
- Select "Add wallet" and select "CoinZoom" from the list of available options
- Upload the .CSV file you downloaded in the previous step
CoinTracker calculates your cost basis. After a while you can refresh the screen to see the new data. It may take more than one time to refresh.
View Gains in CoinTracker
- Select "Tax Center" under the "Taxes" menu on the main screen
- Select the Tax year or timeframe you wish to see
Short Term and Long Term gains are listed on the page to use when calculating your taxes.
Optional: Choose a CoinTracker Plan. CoinTracker allows you to purchase a Tax Report based on the number of transactions you have. Select the option that works best for you and click "Get Started" to view, print or download the tax report.