What digital currencies can I trade?
The current list of digital currencies is available on the CoinZoom website: https://www.coinzoom.com/trading-platform/
What types of orders can I place?
CoinZoom offers several order types via the Order Form box to give you the tools necessary to execute your trading strategy successfully.
Market Orders
A market order is an order type that executes immediately against the best price available. As long as there are willing sellers and buyers, market orders are filled. A market sell will match the best available bids on the order book, and a market buy will match against the best available asks on the order book.
Market orders are often used when rapid execution is prioritized over the price at which the order executes. When placing this order, the trader prefers the trade to happen immediately at the current best price available.
Market orders are charged the Taker Fee.
Limit Orders
A limit order is one of the most basic order types. It allows the trader to specify a price and amount they would like to buy or sell.
Example: If the current market price is 250 and I want to buy lower than that at 249, then I would place a buy limit order at 249. If the market reaches 249 and a seller’s ask matches with my bid, my limit order will be executed at 249.
A buy limit should be placed at a price below the current market buy price. A buy limit placed below the current buy price will be charged the Maker Fee if the order is filled. A buy limit placed above the current buy price will be filled immediately and be charged the Taker Fee.
A sell limit should be placed at a price above the current market sell price. A sell limit placed above the current sell price will be charged the Taker Fee if the order is filled. A sell limit placed below the current sell price will be filled immediately and be charged the Taker Fee.
Stop Orders
A stop order is used to trigger a market buy or sell when the market crosses your trigger price. This is often used as a stop loss order if the market is moving against an open margin position. Stop orders will fully execute as a market order once the trigger price is reached.
Example: If the current market price is 250, the trader in a long position might want to sell if the price reaches 245. A stop sell at 245 will be used in this case.
If shorting, a trader would place a buy stop above the current price. This would mean that if the market goes against their short (up) they can cut their losses by buying to close or reduce their short position.
Example: If the current market price is 250, the trader in a short position might want to buy if the price reaches 255. A stop buy at 255 will be used in this case.
A sell stop should be placed at a price below the current market buy price. A sell stop placed below the current sell price will be charged the Maker Fee if the order is filled. A sell stop placed above the current sell price will be charged the Taker Fee if the order is filled.
A buy stop should be placed at a price above the current market sell price. A buy stop placed above the current buy price will be charged the Maker Fee if the order is filled. A buy stop placed below the current buy price will be charged the Taker Fee if the order is filled.
Where Can I Find the Trading Fees?
The Order Book
The Order Book lets you see how many orders and what price others are asking for buying and selling a coin. This lets you know the liquidity and see how much demand there is for a coin. Low liquidity means there is a small market for the coin and there is little trading happening. High liquidity means there is a large market for the coin with active selling and buying activity.

The average price sits in the middle between the highest bid and lowest ask. It is considered the "price" of the coin. In a market with high liquidity, there will be only a small difference between the bid and ask. In periods of low liquidity, the difference can be substantial.
This is the number of coins offered at a specific price point.
Bids are offers to buy crypto. Asks are offers to sell. Bids in the order book are colored green. Asks are colored red.
This is the offer price by a trader or traders at a specific price point.
This is the cumulative number of coins offered at a specific price point. In other words, this is the sum of all “amounts” leading to this price level in the order book.
How do I View My Account History?
Click on Transactions in the desktop website or Order & Payment History in the Pro app.
How do I cancel a pending order?
You cancel a pending buy or sell (buy limit, sell limit, buy stop, sell stop).
On the desktop under the Trade tab, go to "Open Orders." Find the order you want to cancel and click the red "Cancel" button

In the Pro app, go to Order & Payment History and look at Open Orders.
Can I buy ZOOM tokens using BTC?
Yes! This can only be done on the desktop website:
- Go to the Trade tab
- Click BTC in the top Market panel
- Choose ZOOM/BTC from the list
- Enter the Amount you want to purchase
- Click the green "Buy ZOOM" button

How do I manage Open Orders?
You can view and manage open orders:
Desktop Website
- Log into your CoinZoom Account
- Click on Open Orders.
Pro App
- Log into your CoinZoom application
- Click the Drop Down Menu in the upper left hand corner
- Click "Order & Payment History"
Is there a limit for a single order?
There is a limit for how much of a single token can be traded at once. The limit is currently 100,000. With orders this large the price of each token can be quite volatile.